We Asked & They Answered: What Teachers Include in School Newsletters

☕️ Busy? Here's the TL;DR

  1. We asked teachers what goes in a class update
  2. Their top tips fell neatly into three smart categories:
  3. Stay positive: lots of great pics, helpful resources, & shoutouts
  4. Stay organized: updates on learning, reminders of events & due dates
  5. Stay present: important info about tech safety, plus how to get involved!

No one likes to stare at a blank page 👀

So, we surveyed teachers on Twitter about what they include in their school newsletters. Their answers delighted, surprised, and intrigued us. We collected 45 responses, which we’ve organized into three categories: (1) Stay Positive, (2) Stay Organized, and (3) Stay Present.

Hopefully, you’ll come away as inspired as we did!

1. Stay Positive

Teachers have so many ways of expressing positivity in their class newsletters. Pictures are one way to showcase good vibes. We heard about pics of “memorable moments,” pics of students learning, happy, playing, cuddling the class therapy dog, and even pics of a teacher’s dogs!

Besides pictures, teachers encourage positivity in other ways. Some research and share appropriate community events for students with special needs, while others share mental health resources for parents and children. Others have ‘shout-outs’ sections for everything from acts of kindness to parent donations, staff appreciations, and class birthdays.

One teacher wrote in that she just likes to tell families:

2. Stay Organized

Parents have a lot on their plates, and using a class newsletter for crucial reminders is a smart use of your space and their time. Teachers are reminding parents: to charge Chromebooks, dates of upcoming school events, due dates of upcoming assignments, and 1/2 days not marked on district calendar (wow, that last one is so thoughtful!)

Many teachers tweeted that they keep parents updated about what students are learning. This includes telling parents about units of study they’ve covered recently, upcoming assessments, when study guides are available, upcoming topics, and questions parents can ask their kids.

One savvy teacher stays extra organized by embedding digital permission slips in his weekly updates. What a timesaver! 🙌

3. Stay Present

Teachers know the more they engage parents in the life of their classroom, the more successful students will be. So, sharing contact info is a must. Other tips teachers shared with us that encourage parents to stay present? Tech tips, internet safety guidance, and opportunities for parent involvement in the classroom or at school.

Updating families weekly is as important as a well-planned lesson. Here’s a template to get started!

Image of September Weekly Schedule Template
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