A Back-to-School Essential: A Meet the Teacher Template

☕️ Busy? Here's the TL;DR
- Put families at ease with a Meet the Teacher newsletter.
- Include some personal info about your background & hobbies
- Preview the first day/week schedule, lunch menu & units of study
- Add any important calendar events happening at the start of the year
- Drop in a Google form to learn something about each of your students.
Sending a Meet the Teacher school newsletter to families before the first day of school is a surefire win.
It offers families an opportunity to get to know you in a way that feels personal, but in a manner totally controlled by you! It puts anxious parents & students at ease (63% of parents stress about back to school) Most importantly, it gets everyone psyched for the coming school year.
We’ve put together a Meet the Teacher template for you -- here's a quick rundown of each section.
1. 📸 Placeholders to share some details about yourself
The template starts with a text box for you to write an opening message, along with some prompts for how to get started.

You can follow up your hello message with pictures of your pets, children, hobbies, or home. It's a great way to help families feel connected to you.

2. 📆 Share Back-to-School items of interest to families
Everyone wants to know what their child's day will be like, what they'll be learning, and even what they'll be eating! We've got placeholders for a first day schedule, a peek at the first curriculum unit, and we recommend sharing a first week lunch menu if you have one!
In case you’d like to alert parents to important events coming up soon, we’ve added in an event block for Meet the Teacher Night.
3. 👩🎓 Use the template to get to know your students, too
In the final section of our Meet the Teacher template, you'll find a sample google “get to you know” form, so that not only can your students learn about you, but you can learn about them 😍. This is a great strategy for building trust with parents from the get-go.
And building trust is the #1 best way to enlist parent support.
You can get started by clicking here, and why not start now? No time like the present — research shows that the more you communicate home, the more you ensure your students’ success :)
Wishing you a happy and productive year!