☕️ Busy? Here's the TLDR:

  1. 📸 Use photo galleries to highlight faculty, staff and admin use of the school library
  2. 🔖 Link to a form that allows adults in the building to share what they're reading.
  3. 💁🏻‍♀️ Embed an infographic so everyone is clear on what services the library provides for the adults in the building.
  4. 🔘 Use a button to link to an archive of past newsletters - this way, everyone stays in the know!
  5. 🙋🏻 Stick to a consistent format every month, to streamline your efforts.

The librarian is in the house! Let’s get this party started!

Are you looking for ways to communicate with your faculty and staff about the school library? We’ve got a great school newsletter to share with you, with props to Librarian Kristi Brawley 🙌 🙌. In four simple moves, she includes, celebrates, encourages, & educates. Let’s check out these internal comms best practices!

GIF of Beyonce and let's get this party started

1. Include everyone 👯‍♀️

Kristi opens her monthly newsletter with spotlight photo gallery of faculty & staff. Here, she celebrates faculty & staff who speak another language, each paired with a favorite book.

photo gallery of admin and books

2. Celebrate reading 📖

Adults who love to read inspire kids who love to read. In the next section of her newsletter, Kristi gives props to everyone participating in a staff reading challenge & links to a form so folks can share what they’re reading.

example of using a button in a newsletter - linked to a form

3. Encourage engagement 👓

Kristi embeds a great hyperlinked infographic about the many services the library provides. She also tells her readers how to use the infographic.

Library infographic

4. Educate your audience 👩🏻‍🏫

With a simple button link to her newsletter archive, Kristi makes it easy for folks to access all the great tips in her past newsletters.

library association logos and button link to past CHS Library Newsletters

5. Keep it efficient!

Kristi has a smart strategy for streamlining her process, which allows her to turn out a consistent newsletter month after month. As she explains it:

"In addition to matching the Smore background and color theme to the respective month, I also utilize a framework when building my newsletter and copy/include the same section headings in each edition."

With a newsletter like this, you won’t have to worry about getting faculty & staff to use the library — you’ll have to worry about getting them out in time for class 😜.

You can access Kristi’s complete newsletter here. And if you’d like a library newsletter for National Poetry Month, you can find one here. Happy communicating!

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