Writing an IEP? Here's Why You Should Use a Translatable Template.

☕️ Busy? Here's the TL;DR

  1. Parents must be able to read an IEP to support their child's learning
  2. Parents who don't speak English as a 1st language are at a disadvantage when it comes to school documents like IEPs
  3. This places an additional barrier to success in front of ML students
  4. Schools can & should ease the problem by offering translatable versions

One of the tough things about being an ELL/ML student is that you often have to serve as the go-between for school and home.

If it’s about a field trip, no problem! But what about something like an Individualized Education Program (IEP)? Schools have crucial information to communicate to parents, and parents need to be able to access that information in a language they speak fluently in order to be able to support their children to learn and thrive.

Handing them a dense, untranslatable document is like setting up another barrier to success.

So why not drop an IEP on a school newsletter with translation features?

Rethinking school communications so that they’re accessible for everyone makes all families feel welcome. A template is easy to set up and duplicate, making it efficient. Adding pictures and video makes it more personal, and less daunting.

Which makes it that much more likely that parents will engage with it.

Give multilingual parents the information they need to support their children’s education.

A translatable school newsletter is an easy way to do so. The more parents are in the know, the more they support their children's efforts in school. And then all the indicators go up: attendance, school work, homework, behavior, social and emotional well-being, and graduation rates.

Happy parents make happy students make happy teachers. Get started here 👇🏽

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